Friday, November 23, 2007

Clickable Resources from CSLA 2007

I have been meaning to put links to websites from CSLA 2007. It has become quite common to give conference participants additional resources on a website (be it a wiki, blog, or more traditional site).

Street Lit: Resources for Librarians (Miranda Doyle)

Exciting Genres by Tommy Kovac and Heather Gruenthal

ROAR Motivation PowerPoint (Megan Fuller)

Getting "Lucky" WithLM_NET (Peter Milbury)

Free Reference Books Online (Peter Milbury)

Did I miss yours? I am happy to include it in the list. Just leave a comment to this post including the URL and I get it done.


Jeff and Yvonne Weinstein said...

And not to worry- All links as well as the PDFs as handout will be up on the CSLA site- the call just went out to all presenters...
Yvonne Weinstein
CSLA Concurrent Sessions Chair

Tom said...

I had seen that. What a wonderful resource to have!

Marie Slim said...

Hi Tom!

My "Student Assistants" Presentation wiki is at:

The password to edit is dewey.