Thursday, October 18, 2007

Seek and Ye Shall Find

So there I was minding my own business and I decided to see how I could help out my professional association, the California School Library Association. Downstream you can see a few of the responses that I received to my question. Margaret Baker, district librarian for Selma Unified, saw me coming, and the next thing you know...

I have been appointed to be the Region 3 Representative for the Northern Section of CSLA (they being divided into two sections). This means that I am on the NS board.

Should I wish to continue in the position (and I suspect I will), I will need to run as a candidate this spring.

I haven't mentioned here, but it's all about the connection for me. There is real power in working together to create change.


Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

So true! There is real power in collaboration for change.

Best wishes (and congratulations!)
- JackieS

Liz Dodds said...

Hooray for getting involved! Tehipite and the Northern Section are lucky to have you!

Tom said...

Thanks, Jackie. As it happens, I was once on the CATESOL state board (state organization for ESL/ELD teachers) and it is amazing what you can do when you work together.

Tom said...

Thanks, Liz! I hope that I have not bitten off more than I can chew. I think it will be fun, though.

And, of course, it's always nice to be asked.