Friday, October 12, 2007

CSLA Volunteer Opportunity, #3

Today's volunteer opportunities are from Barb Scheifler, newsletter editor for the Northern Section of the California School Library Association. Her contact information is on the CSLA website.

She offers a list:
  • Become a Northern Section board member. We are always looking for region reps or officers. Contact Mary Ann Harlan, NS President. (Contact info available from CSLA website.
  • Work at the conference. This year it's in Ontario in the Southland. Volunteer at the registration desk or the CSLA booth in the exhibit hall.
  • "Man" the CSLA booth at other conferences. We are always looking for folks willing to sit at our booth at ACSA, League of Middle Schools, reading conferences, etc.
  • Take digital photos at local CSLA events. Then send them to me for inclusion in our monthly newsletter.

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